Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pin-up Gallery Show

Last Friday I had the opening of a gallery show at Eglin Artspace Gallery. It was called Cheesecake Anyone? A Salute to the American Pin-up. I got three of my paintings in the show. Elgin is about an hour northwest of me, so I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. Mike and I drove there on Friday and I was pretty excited. The show was great. There was old cars outside, pin-up girls inside, themed food and drinks, and a lot of great art. It felt amazing to be in my element. There was a huge timeline of the pin-up that started in the late 1800's. There was a giant keyhole that went into a room showing peepshow videos. They even had a vintage sitting area that was donated by the local thrift-shop, that definitely added to the great vibe. I had my three paintings there Rachele, Kath, and Vivian. I really like the wall that I was on. I think all the paintings fit perfectly together. Placement on gallery walls are very important. However, I do wish the work was spread out a little more. They did feel a little cramped, but I loved being next to the wood panel of Red Hot Riding Hood.

After the show we went to Retro-a-GoGo. It was one of the best thrift shops Ive been too. The owner only collect clean pieces from the 1940s-1970s. Her shop was pretty much organized by decade and everything had its proper place. Of course I didn't have as lot of money on me, so I just picked up two new sheer scarves. I cannot wait to go back there again. 

Mike and I decided we should probably move to Downtown Elgin and live in one of the artist lofts. The areas around it was a little sketchy, but the houses were amazing. Like the pink and mint house I found that I will move in to. Sorry for the crummy quality, all I had was my phone camera.



  1. look at you pretty lady! congrats, your paintings look amazing!
    PS Twitter's not the same without you

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